What is MTD?
MTD stands for “month to date.” It’s the period starting from the beginning of the current month up until now … but not including today’s date, because it might not be complete yet. You use MTD to give you information on a particular activity, results on a campaign, or so on, for this particular time period.
What is QTD?
QTD stands for “quarter to date.” It’s used in exactly the same way as MTD, except you’re looking at the time period from the start of this quarter until now. Be careful though: this can refer to either the calendar or the fiscal quarter.
What is YTD?
YTD stands for “year to date” — again, from the beginning of the current year, up to but not including today. Once again, make sure you know whether your company goes by the calendar year or the fiscal year, as the latter may not begin on January 1st.